Dublin: 2 °C Thursday 27 February, 2025

This girl's Tinder profile redefines the meaning of 'adult content'

Keep talking.

IF YOU’RE SWIPING through Tinder and you see the word “adult,” you’d be forgiven for thinking you were about to see something for, shall we say, mature audiences.

This girl, however, has just redefined the meaning of “adult things”.

The girl in question teases that she “want[s] to do adult things with you” and well…

oULYWge (1) Source: Imgur

“And after that, we can spend hours looking for a new washer for our broken tap and maybe clear out the hot press…”

14 of the most intense Tinder puns ever delivered >

10 people you meet on every Irish dancefloor >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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